The Fifth Annual Conference of Economic
Forum of Entrepreneurship & International
@ ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada
Conference Organizer: Ghada Mohamed
Scientific Committee: Ghada Mohamed, PhD., Morrison H. Schachler, Ph.D., Daniel May, Ph.D., and Thomas Henschel, Ph.D.
Venue: Harvard Medical School:
Joseph B. Martin Conference Center
United States of America - Room # 204
January 29th – 30th, 2015
Conference Organizer & Sponsor: ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada
Organizing Committee Chair: Dr. Ghada G. Mohamed; President: ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada
The Conference Chair: Dr. Morrison Handley-Schachler; Teesside University, UK
Research Advisory Committee Chair Dr. Daniel May; Harper Adams University, UK
Dear Conference Delegates: Thanks for making the conference successful :)

The conference proceeding
Conference Delegates
Our Forum's Speakers(Scholars)
Dr. Morrison Handley-Schachler, ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada, m.handley-schachler@eco-ena.ca, morrisonhandley@aol.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Murshed Chowdhry, Algoma University, Ontario, Canada, mchowd32@uwo.ca (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Daniel May, Harper Adams University, United Kingdom, dmay@harper-adams.ac.uk (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Ghada Mohamed, ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada, gmohamed@eco-ena.ca, ghadagomaa1@yahoo.ca (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Professor Akbar Manoussi, Carleton University (Director of the Canadian International Council", Ottawa, ON, Canada, manoussi@magma.ca (Attended & Presented at the conference)
External Speakers(Scholars)
Anzor Abralava,
Rusudan Kutateladze,
Nino Pailodze, Olga Khutsishvili,
Giorgi Sulashvili, and
Alexander Kekenadze, Georgian Technical University, Georgia n.pailodze@gtu.ge
Mr. Adel AlFeraih, Swansea University, United Kingdom adel75ksa@hotmail.com (Presented at the conference over Skype)
Dr. Anthony Howell, Peking University, USA tonyjames@ucla.edu (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Charles Grant, University of Manitoba, Canada charles.grant@umanitoba.ca (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Dai Yun, Xi'an Jiaotong, Loverpool University, China daiyun2004@yahoo.co.uk (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Prof. Daniel Simonet, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates dsimonet@aus.edu (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Emmadi Naveen Kumar, University of Hyderabad, India emmadinaveen@gmail.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Mohammad Almahasneh, Tafilah Technical University, Jordan m_mahasneh2006@yahoo.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Samra Chaudary, Research Associate Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan ch.samra@gmail.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Prof. Talaat Abdul Hamid, Mansoura University, Egypt tasaad@usa.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
& Prof. Ahmed Samir Roushdy Sadat Academy For Management Sciences assprofasr@yahoo.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Mr. Zaid AlAaskar, Wolverhampton University, United Kingdom zaid.alaskar@hotmail.com (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Dr. Kaustav Misra, Saginaw Valley State University, USA kmisra@svsu.edu (Presented at the conference over Skype)
Dr. Moshood Oladapo, Federal University Oye- Ekiti, Nigeria moshood.oladapo@fuoye.edu.ng -- (Attended & Presented at the conference)
Speeches by Practitioners
Mr. Joseph Dacosta & Mr. Christophe B. Bakilan, Salone Seeds Ltd, Sierra Leone jainabamendy78@yahoo.com, Bakilan.Christophe@yahoo.com (Couldn't make it to the conference on time)
Other Contributors (Attendees)
Dr. Adeyinka Laiyemo, Blissful Gardenz Inc., Alexandria, VA, USA (January 29th & 30th) adeyinka.laiyemo@howard.edu (Couldn't attend the conference)
Ms. AKINLOSOTU BOLA SILIFAAT, Governors Office, Alagbaka, Akure, Nigeria (January 29th & 30th) Adejumolataiwobola@gmail.com (Couldn't attend the conference)
Mr. Danial Lakayan, EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY, Turkey (January 29th & 30th) danial_lakayan@yahoo.com (Couldn't attend the conference)
Mr. Hillel Basch, Bar IIan University, Isreal (January 29th & 30th) hillel.basch@gmail.com (Attended the conference) (Attended the conference)
Mr. Donkor Joseph, Kymenlaakson University of Applied Sciences, Finland (January 29th & 30th) jdonkorgh@yahoo.com (Attended the conference)
Mr. Nkemakolam Uchendu, Universiteit Leuven , Belgium (January 29th & 30th) evansboral@gmail.com (Couldn't attend the conference)
Ms. Obaa Akua Konadu, University College London, United Kingdom (January 29th) oakonadu@gmail.com
Mr. Oladoja Ayuba Olanrewaju, Universität Hohenheim, Germany (January 30th) Layu52@yahoo.com (Couldn't attend the conference)
Dr. Samuel Bonti-Ankomah, AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA, Canada (January 30th) Samuel.Bonti-Ankomah@agr.gc.ca (Couldn't attend the conference)
Mr. Waliyat Olaide Oloyede, University if Ilorin, Nigeria (January 30th) olaide.oloyede1@gmail.com (Couldn't attend the conference)
Mr. William Ahenkora Agyei, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland (January 29th & 30th) william.ahenkora@yahoo.com (Attended the conference)
Due to the snowstorm in Boston a few delegates couldn't make it to the conference.
Conference Program
Conference Programme: Day 1 –January 29th, 2015
8:30 am – 9:00 am: Reception & Morning Refreshments
9:00 am – 9:40 pm
Keynote speech
Dr. Morrison Handley-Schachler

9:40 am – 10:00 pm
Open Discussion
10:00 am – 12:00
Session 1
Three Papers on Micro and Macro Dimensions of Financial and Risk Analysis
Paper 1
Nino Pailodze, AnzorAbralava, RusudanKutateladze, Olga Khutsishvili, Giorgi Sulashvili and Alexander Kekenadze (Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi)
The causes of economic crisis and the aspects of its development.

Paper 2
Anthony Howell (Peking University)
‘Indigenous’ innovation and new firm survival in a transitioning Chinese economy with heterogeneous risk.

Paper 3
Dai Yun (Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University) and Morrison Handley-Schachler
A fundamental weakness in auditing: The need for a conspiracy theory.

12:00 – 1:00 pm
Lunch Break
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Session 2
Three Papers on Entrepreneurship and Leadership and Business in General with Case Studies from Different Countries.
Paper 4
Ahmed Samir Roushdy (Sadat Academy For Management Sciences) and Talaat Asaad Abdel Hamid (Mansoura University)
The impact of online social networks on the generation of entrepreneurial ideas in Egypt.

Paper 5
Samra Chaudary, Sana Azar, Amina Talat and Imran Sajjad (Lahore School of Economics)
The effects of internet and e-commerce on entrepreneurship and SMEs in Pakistan

Keynote Speech
Professor Akbar Manoussi, Carleton University "Director of the Canadian International Council", Ottawa, ON, Canada
World Economy outlook and Global Oil Diplomacy

3:00 pm – 3:30: pm
Coffee Break
3:30 am – 4:00 pm
A Panel Discussion Chaired by Ghada Mohamed, ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada
Macroeconomics: Misleading Indicators

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
6- Papers on Cultural Economics: Immigration Matters and Human Resources Management
THE CFCE Second Annual Conference of Cultural Economics: Immigration Matters & Human Resources Management
Joined with the 5th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business
Paper 6
Adel AlFeraih (Swansea University)
Understanding Factors Responsible for Talent’s Turnover Intentions: The Case of the Public Education Sector in Saudi Arabia

Paper 7
Kaustav Misra (Saginaw State Valley University)
The effect of short-term study abroad experiences on students' academic and professional development

Paper 8
Murshed Chowdhry(Algoma University), Canada
Financial Deepening, Remittances and Economic Growth: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Estimation

Paper 9
Shala al-Abiyad(University of Tripoli) and Morrison Handley-Schachler
Accounting education in Libya and the requirement for development to keep up with the course of the time

Paper 10
Zaid Alaskar, (Wolverhampton University)
Feasibility Study of Saudi Market for Small Business

Paper 11
Mohammad Mahasneh (Tafilah Technical University)
Applicable laws and procedures in international commercial arbitration in Jordanian courts

6:00 pm: Close
Day 2 – January 30th, 2015
The 2nd Annual Conference of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
Joined with the 5th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business
8:30 am – 9:00 am: Reception & Morning Refreshments
9:00 am – 9:40 pm
Keynote speech
Dr. Daniel May
ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada & Adams Harper University, UK

9:40 am – 10:00 pm
Open Discussion
10:00 am – 12:00
Session 1
Paper 1
Moshood Oladaop (Federal University Oye- Ekiti, Nigeria)
Determinants of Feedback Mechanism in Pineapple Market Integration in Southwestern Nigeria

Paper 2
Aaron Bond and Kaustav Misra (Saginaw Valley State University, USA)
Non-Agricultural Drivers of Grain Crop Prices in the United States

Paper 3
Charles Grant and Janelle Mann (University of Manitoba, Canada)
How high is high enough when choosing partial moments for downside risk?

12:00 – 1:00 pm
Lunch Break
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Session 2
Paper 4
Daniel Simonet (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
Phone App to Optimize Irrigation Cycles for 80 US crops

Paper 5
R.V.Ramanamurthyand Emmadi Naveen Kumar (University of Hyderabad, India)
Small Farmer Economy and Their Crisis in Rural Andhra Pradesh: A Study in Three Villages

Paper 6
Daniel E. May (Harper Adams University, UK), Sara Arancibia and Gonzalo Moya (University Diego Portales, Chile)
Can economic collaboration leads to farmers' satisfaction at work? Some preliminary results

3:00 pm – 3:30: pm
Coffee Break
3:30 am – 5:00 pm
Session 3
A Speech by: Mr. Joseph Dacosta & Mr. Christophe B. Bakilan, Salone Seeds Ltd, Sierra Leone - (Couldn't make it to the conference on time)
A Panel Discussion chaired by Dr. Ghada Mohamed, ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada on Global Food Prices and Poverty

A Panel Discussion chaired by Dr. Daniel May; Adams Harper University, UK on Agricultural Trade Liberalization

The conference was closed by a keynote speech presented
by Prof. Akbar Manoussi, Carleton University
(Director of the Canadian International Council, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
5 pm: Close
End of Conference
We look forward to meeting you again at
the 6th Annual Conference of Economic Forum
of Entrepreneurship & International Business next year in Oxford.
Conference Organizer: Ghada Mohamed
Scientific Committee: Ghada Mohamed, PhD., Morrison H. Schachler, Ph.D., Daniel May, Ph.D., and Thomas Henschel, Ph.D.
Venue: Harvard Medical School: Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Medical Center Area, Boston, MA 02115, United States