
Day 1: Friday August 30th, 2013
From 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
8:30 am
Registration and Reception
Presentations in orders
Main concepts in Islamic banking, Islamic finance, & international Islamic finance: An introduction to the conference
Presenter: Dr. Ghada Mohamed, ECO-ENA, Inc., Canada

"Implications of Basel III for Islamic Banks"
"Islam and Economic Policy"
Presenter: Professor Rodney Wilson, Durham University, UK & International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Overseas presentation

"Islam and the stock market: Evidence from the United States"
Presenter: Professor Amir Kia, Utah Valley University, USA

"Re-direct of contemporary Islamic finance from an Islamic wealth management perspective"
Presenter: Mr. Paul E.E. Wouters, CEO PT Senturiyon Global, Indonesia -An expert in Islamic Finance - Overseas presentation

Panel Discussion
Main differences between Islamic banks and conventional banks
Chaired by: Dr. Rashed Alolaiwi, Professor Amir Kia, Dr. Ahmed Aymen, and Dr. Ghada Mohamed
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Mediterranean vegetable break
"Developing shari'ah compliant tools for the financier of last resort: The case of Qatar"
Presenter: Ms. Cherin Hamadi, Qatar Central Bank, Qatar

"Comparative study on the factors influencing credit risk: the case of Islamic banks and conventional banks"
Presenter: Dr. Ahmadi Aymen, University of Angers, France

"Cooperative insurance market in Saudi Arabia challenges, growth opportunities & suggestions for development: An empirical study"
Presenter: Professor Ahmed Mamdouh, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

"Social media and retail Islamic finance"
Presenter: Mr. Bassem Ghali, Head of Client Strategy, Toronto, Canada

Day 2
The conference website