Submission Policy
Any paper submitted to ECO-ENA-Press @ ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada should not be under consideration for publication at another journal. All submitted papers must also represent original work, and should fully reference and describe all prior work on the same subject and compare the submitted paper to that work.
Source information for tables, figures, maps, photos, and other artwork should be mentioned in the captions. For material that is copyrighted, you must obtain a letter of permission from the copyright holder.
Submission Instructions
You must state clearly in the email that the paper is original. The co-author should be cc(ed) in the email.
- Manuscripts should not exceed 40 pages double-spaced. This limit includes reference lists, figures, and tables.
- Manuscripts must use 12-point font. Margins must be one inch top, bottom, and sides. Please use Times New Roman or similar font. These font, margin, and line-spacing requirements also apply to reference lists and tables.
- Submit a title page with each author's name and contact information, and including any acknowledgements that have appeared in previous working papers as a separate file. This page will not be sent to the referees.
- Include an abstract of 100 or fewer words.
- All data used in analysis must be clearly and precisely documented.
- All data used in analysis must be made available to any researcher for purposes of replication.
- Any requests for an exemption from the data availability policy must be made in the cover letter when the paper is first submitted.
- A reference list is required according to the following Sample Reference:
Our reference of submission policy is the American Economic Association - AEA web:
New - Our Journals are related to our conferences - Papers should be discussed in our intellectual symposium to be edited depending on received comments during the conferences - Considered after October 1st, 2016
Best 3- papers of any of our international conferences would be considered for publication at our scientific peer reviewed journals after they go for another peer revision.
The Journal of International Business & Economic Affairs: ISSN 1916-8748 (Online), Library & Archive Canada.
The Scientific Journal of Agricultural Economics: ISSN 1923-6522 (Online), Library & Archive Canada
The Canadian Journal of Islamic Economics & Islamic Finance: ISSN 2292-0579 (On-line): Library & Archive Canada

Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada
All rights reserved.
The authors once they submit their work to ECO-ENA, Inc., and their work get accepted for publication in any of ECO-ENA, Inc. publications, they grant a non-exclusive license allowing ECO-ENA: Economics & ECO-Engineering Associate, Inc., Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the internet, loan, distribute and sell articles worldwide, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats.
The authors retain copyright ownership and moral rights in their work. Neither the articles nor substantial extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the authors‘ permission.